Roomscale XR Template
A downloadable game for Windows and Android
XR Template Roomscale
This is a basic template project for a Roomscale game, just for natural movement.
It has a very basic fallback for standing/sitting and also for desktop mode.
Made this for the Godot XR Game Jam July 2024 while learning the basics of roomscale for my next project.
PLEASE NOTE: It's not a game, just a template, but if you want to make a roomscale game, you can RELAX and USE THIS as starting point XD
You can find the code here:
Press A-button to show/hide the settings panel
Press Trigger to select / change values in the panel
In standing/sitting mode, standard thumbstick movement.
Press Esc in desktop mode to show up the UI panel, and cursors or WASD to move.
Template User Settings
It integrates XRToolsUserSettings with other TemplateUserSettings in a single UI panel.
You can switch from Roomscale to Standing and the player node and reference frame is updated.
Template globals
Ready to store a simple state variable for your game and some other useful globals.
Now it stores some useful data from the XR initialization, like:
- xr_enabled
- system_info
- passthrough availability
- game mode (roomscale / standing / flat)
- play area size
This project demoes the controller FbRenderModel in Quest 2 / Quest 3 and has a fallback (just a cube) for other runtimes.
If you do use print when thinkering and designing, this template also includes a simple debug tool that draws floating labels in the scene, so you can print fixed messages to a floating panel by typing:
DebugKonsole.print("your message here")
or floating messages that dissapear by typing:
DebugKonsole.print("your message here", false)
You can just comment all DebugKonsole lines before release :)
Play Area
In roomscale mode the play area is calculated and a rectangle is drawn with the boundary limits
In standing mode it depends on the xr runtime, seems like steamVR doesn't provide a play area but Meta is providing a simple 2x2 square
Godot version and addons
This code works with Godot 4.3.beta2 and uses the following addons
Godot XR Tools
Godot XR Toggle (just use the toggle to test the desktop version)
Known issues
play_area_changed signal in XRInterface is not working
When using the pcvr version with SteamVR the play area in Roomscale mode is not aligned with the real boundary, Not sure why it happens, when running in the editor is ok. Maybe an export problem
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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